“PCPP has been in the forefront of consultations during outbreaks of economically important diseases more notably Avian Influenza and ND. PCPP members were in constant dialogue with government agencies preparing protocols before, during and after outbreaks. We have learned many lessons in the past conventions, and we will need to continue learning more. This year’s convention’s theme is “Ensuring Healthy Poultry, People and Community”.”
-Dr. Renato Rollan (2019 PCPP President)
“This year’s event recognizes that the health of people is connected to the health of animals and environment through its theme, “Ensuring Healthy Poultry, People and Community: A Shared Responsibility”. This encapsulates that unity is essential and everyone plays a role in achieving optimal health outcomes for humans, environment and animals, specifically poultry.”
– Ronnie D. Domingo, DVM, Msc. (OIC, Director BAI)
“As we embark on another edition of the Poultry School, we certainly hope that you will again benefit from this major undertaking of the PCPP. With the theme “Ensuring Healthy Poultry, People and Community: A Shared Responsibility”, we aspire to provide you insights on the One Health concepts and make our world a better place to live in. The “One Health” concept was introduced at the beginning of the 2000s and summarized as human health and animal health are interdependent and bound to the health of the ecosystems in which they exist. We endeavor to bring these models to you, so that together we can implement improvements following the One Health approach. “
– Dr. Cezar Policarpio (Chairman ,2019 Poultry School)
PCPP Members full force during the 2-day Poultry School

Faces of 2019 PCPP Poultry School