Monthly Archives

August 2021

PCPP Scientific Conference June 30,2021

A very successful event happened as PCPP held Scientific Conference 2021, 6 speakers shared their knowledge and expertise, participated by 57 members together with the new applicants.

Covid-19 can’t stop PCPP to provide continuous education for the improvement and uplifting technical knowledge of the members.


PCPP Virtual Summer Bonding

No one can stop us in enjoying the summer! A fun and great day for bonding. Virtual Bingo game, virtual bring me game and PCPP trivia are some of the fun activities that PCPP enjoyed during the PCPP Virtual Summer Bonding last June 4, 2021.


PCPP Vaccine Roll-out

Flu Vaccine roll-out for members held last April 20-21, 2021. Due to pandemic, vaccine distribution was conducted on two sites for the North and South residing members.


PCPP Cares

PCPP held special meeting last March 26, 2021 to enlighten the members about the Covid-19 vaccines. PCPP invited Dr. Beaver Tamesis, President of Pharmaceutical Healthcare and Association to tackle the “Misconceptions about the Covid-19 vaccines”.

Stay safe and healthy everyone.