Ethical poultry practices by providing an effective forum for the professional veterinary expertise.
The Philippine College of Poultry Practitioners, Inc. is an organization of poultry veterinarians that advocate the professional advancement of its members and is committed to the upliftment of the Philippine poultry industry.
To contribute to the development of the poultry industry through the promotion of ethical poultry practice by providing an effective forum for the professional veterinary expertise.
A group of extension veterinarians from the different poultry integrators together with some veterinarians working for animal health company started organizing themselves to form an association of poultry veterinarians. This was in the late 80’s. Several meetings were held but the attendance continuosly declined until nothing was heard anymore.
During the early 90’s, another attempt to organize was made, now known as the Philippine College of Poultry Practitioners. Most of the extension veterinarians from the poultry integrator companies and some from the animal health companies joined and elected a set of officers. Dr. Edgardo M. Niones was elected as the President. Organizational meetings followed but again the loss of attendance lead to its inactivity.
The increasing competitiveness in the profession and the vision to elevate the levels of practice brought about another clamor to organize in late 1998. Drs. Manny Vistro, Jun Advincula, Rudy Peneyra, Ed Niones, Nonette Belisario, Ben Ferriols, and some other veterinarians including Dr. Abet Villacorte met several evenings at BAI’s Philippine Animal Health Center (PAHC) formulating ways on how we can finally organize the College. The group agreed to campaign for interested practicing veterinarians in poultry with at least five years of practice to attend regular monthly meetings set every first Friday of the month from 8:00 – 10:00 o’clock in the morning at the PAHC Conference Room. It was indeed a successful campaign and a sound strategy. The poultry veterinarians learned of the set meeting at specific date’s time and they were able to plan properly. The attendance increased from a handful few in May 1999 to 54 by December 1999.
The College held its first organizational elections and elected the Following as interim officers: President……………………………………………………Dr. Alberto R. Villacorte
Vice President – Internal……………………………Dr. Cesar F. Policarpio
Vice President – External……………………………Dr. Joselito A. Limcumpao
Secretary……………………………………………………Dr. Arnel A. Amurao
Treasurer…………………………………………………..Dr. Lina S. Policarpio
Auditor………………………………………………………Dr. Renato R. Rollan
PRO……………………………………………………………Dr. Angel A. B. Mateo
The Mission, Vision and Objectives of the College was formulated and presented to the General Membership for agreement and understanding. At the same time, the one-man committee of Dr. Cesar Policarpio drafted the PCPP constitution, which was subsquently ratified by the General Membership.
With the organizational basics completed and with the members in full understanding of the college’s mission, vision, and objectives. The conferment of diplomate status to the 54 Charter Member was held during the February 2000 Convention of the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA) in Bacolod City. The Charter Diplomates doned the customary Veterinary Medicine robe of black with gray stripes, red and white hood, and black cap with red tussle. The colors of red and white were so selected to reflect the red comb. And white feathers and eggs of poultry. The formality and solemmity of the conferment exercise were ensured by the presence of the Chairman of the Professional Veterinary Medicine Licensure Board, Dr. Teodulo M. Topacio and the President of the PVMA at that time, Dr. Rhodora S. Carlos.
More poultry veterinarians became interested in joining the College. They learned of the regular meetings on the first Fridays of each month conducted from 8:00 – 10:00 o’clock in the morning. To add to the meetings and in line with the PCPP objective of enriching each member’s knowledge, Dr. Leo Obviar and his committee took the first hour of each meeting day for their technical updates and presentations. Members of his committee and other members of the College delivered these presentations. It has always been upheld that while the membership of the College comes from several business organizations, no presentation shall bear brand names.
The membership Committee of Dr. Cesar Policarpio decided on the new applicants and ten new Diplomates were conferred In June 2000 during the Veterinary Practioners Association of the Philippines (VPAP) Annual Convention held at the Manila Intercontinental Hotel. In accodinace with the PCPP Constitution, which by then was in effect, the election of the Board was conducted in November 2000. Elected were:
President……………………………………………………Dr. Alberto R. Villacorte
Vice President – Internal……………………………Dr. Lina S. Policarpio
Vice President – External……………………………Dr. Robert H. Lo
Secretary……………………………………………………Dr. Arnel A. Amurao
Treasurer…………………………………………………..Dr. Raul O. Olegario
Auditor………………………………………………………Dr. Celso E. I. Molina
PRO……………………………………………………………Dr. Joselito A. Limcumpao
Meanwhile, the PCPP Speciality Board, headed by Dr. Roberto N. Santos, together with Dr. Alexander Alipio, and Dr. Carmelito Gaddi, established the Standards and Guidelines for Fellows and reviewed the quilification of the Diplomates. Thirty four (34) Candidates for Fellows where conferred together with new Diplomates in May 2000 during the third Animal Feeds and Veterinary Drugs Congress at the World Trade Center, Pasay City. The membership of the PCPP now stands at 69.
The College was formally registeredwith the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on January 31, 2001 under SEC. Reg.NO. A200018874. This formalized the College and provided it a legal entity.
The PCPP members chased its objectives ardently. Dr. Robert H. Lo lead the conduct of the first Poultry School in Pampanga Agricultural College (PAC) in Magalang, Pampanga on April – May 2001. Together with Dr. Andrew Bernardo and the support of the PCPP members, a one-week classroom instruction followed by two weeks of farm training were succesfully conducted for more than 50 junior and graduating students from UPCVM in Los Banos, Aklan State University, Gregorio Araneta Foundation, Central Luzon State University, Tarlac State University, Virgen Milagrosa University, and Pampanga Agricultural College. The success of the First Poultry School with these undergraduates lead to the Second Poultry School held in October 2001 at the Westin Philippine Plaza Hotel. Dr. Joselito A.Limcumpao organized a day-full of lectures on poultry Diagnostics delivered by experts from the academe and practice. This one-day lecture attracted over 160 participants, which was five times the original plan. They consisted of PCPP members, practicing veterinarians and diagnosticians, students, etc.
A committee headed by Dr. Renato R. Rollan drafted the Code of Ethics and practice of the PCPP. The final draft was approved in February 2002 after six months of deliberations.
In November 2001, the election of the Board for the year 2002 was held. Following the PCPP Constitution and the concept that members of the PCPP are capable leaders and able professionals, the following were elected to the Board.
President……………………………………………………Dr. Daniel A. Rodriguez
Vice President – Internal……………………………Dr. Renato R. Rollan
Vice President – External……………………………Dr. Paulino Abad
Secretary……………………………………………………Dr. Richard Von Ebron
Treasurer…………………………………………………..Dr. Celso E. I. Molina
Auditor………………………………………………………Dr. Arnel A. Amurao
PRO……………………………………………………………Dr. Lina S. Policarpio
Immediate Past President…………………………Dr. Alberto R Villacorte
Dr. Joselito A. Limcumpao was appointed as the Dean of the Poultry School. Dr. Roberto N. Santos, Dr. Cesar F. Policarpio, And Dr. Angel A. B. Mateo were elected to the Specialty Board.
Alberto R. Villacorte, DVM, FPCPP March 10, 2002
Philippine College of Poultry Practitioners
Philippine College of Poultry Practitioners