PCPP kicked-off 2021 with its virtual monthly meeting last January 8, 2021 with 54 members in attendance.
Dr. Daniel Tolentino, Technical Committee Head, tackled The Use of Attenuated Vaccination to Control Coccidiosis. This was followed by the presentation of Dr. Joy A. Literato of her plans and programs for the year.
Moreover, this early, the 2021 Poultry School Online is already on its inception phase to ensure another successful offering.

Getting used to the new practice of virtual meetings and events, last November 6, 2020, the election of the 2021 set of officers was held virtually. And despite all the travel and gathering restrictions in place, the annual induction of Officers and Christmas Party still proceeded through a blended platform. While the annual celebration was a far cry from the merry.
With all the calamities and disasters around us, PCPP was quick and generous with its resolved to help create better life experiences for our less-fortunate fellow Filipinos despite hardship PCPP donated to Catanduanes, Marikina and Tuguegarao through Rotary Club of Tuguegarao Rainbow, Animal Rescue donation for Bicol through Animal Kingdom Foundation, and cash donation to the Arnold Janssen Kalinga Foundation to help feed and clothed the homeless during this pandemic.

Recognizing the integral role that veterinarians play in upholding animal welfare and in support of BAI’S drive to reach a wider audience regarding the provisions of RA 8485 and RA 10631, PCPP requested for a separate refresher session through the Animal Health and Welfare Division of the Bureau of Animal industry, headed by PCPP’s good friend, Dr. Samuel Animas. The request was gladly given attention and thus on 25 September 2020, PCPP had the pleasure to attend an online Animal Welfare session with special focus on poultry. Forty-two members of the college were in attendance for the said virtual event.
Three very able speakers talked about a couple of important topics – Mr. Norman B. Tan on Animal Welfare Laws; Its Implementing rules and regulations and DA Issuances; Dr. Maria Gracia D. Seynaeve presented DA Ao 12 series of 2002 – Code of practice and minimum standards for the welfare of chicken and lastly Dr. Noverlee P. Calub discussed BAI Animal Facility registration: Compliance to RA 8485.

Proudly presenting to you PCPP’s pioneering venture – The Poultry School Online!
For over two decades, PCPP has successfully ran the much awaited PCPP Poultry School, but current global scenario will not allow us to conduct it the traditional way this year. We, however, remain steadfast in our commitment to the industry we serve, by holding it virtually and present to you insights, information and innovations for us to thrive I the new normal.
Stay tuned for more details!

GCQ or MECQ will not stop PCPP from holding its evets. Last June 2, 2020, the PCPP Scientific Conference via Zoom commenced with Dr. Raul Lopez tackling the topic “Addressing Temperature Requirement of Broilers through Tunnel Ventilation ad Evaporative Cooling”. There were forty-eight (48) members in attendance.
The upcoming topics include “Addressing Equipment Issues in Tunnel Ventilated Buildings” by Dr. Arnel Amurao on June 3, 2020. “Automation in Layers-Climate System Design, Cage System and Lighting” by guest resource speaker, Dr. Herbert Cabral on June 10, 2020 and finally, Dr. Nancy Romano on June 10, 2020 will handle “Nutrition Requirement of Poultry for Optimum Performance I Climate-Controlled System and Conventional Housing”.
The PCPP Scientific Conference or SciCon is an annual technical session exclusive for PCPP members. Dr. Cezar Policarpio, PCPP President, thanked Dr. Arnel Bustamante, this year’s SciCon chair and head of Technical Committee, Dr. Gilet Cervantes for ably organizing this online conference.

Last May 20 & 21, 2020, PCPP facilitated the distribution of flu vaccines in 2 strategic locations to cater to members who are from various parts of Luzon. For several years now, PCPP members are given free flu shots annually as part of their membership benefit.
Recognizing the stress levels during this difficult and different time, brought about by the COVID19 pandemic, PCPP invited Ms. Vivien Reyes, a Wellness Coach, (May 22,2020) to lead a short virtual Wellness Session for its members. The session aims to help everyone thrive better in the tough state we are in, brought about by fear of the disease, cabin fatigue, anxiety brought about by the new norms and a combination of everything else that is happening around us. Hopefully, the session will guide us through this state and the years ahead.