
PCPP Updates

PCPP lend a hand to our homeless kababayan and frontliners.

As the country suffers from the increasing cases of COVID19, PCPP extended some help to our frontliners at the Bulacan Medical Center and Unihealth Southwoods. We donated PPEs made by UnifyingGap were delivered last April 11,2020 to the Internal Medicine and Surgery Dept of the Bulacan Medical Center. Donation was arranged by Dr. Herman Cruz. A few days after, PCPP,likewise, shared some cash to purchase PPEs and other supplies for Unihealth Southwoods through the coordination of Dr. Abet Villacorte.
Not to leave out the homeless during this critical and difficult time, we also extended some cash assistance to the Arnold Janssen Bahay Kalinga. Their barangay asked AJ Kalinga Center to stop their operations during the lockdown and this made the situation even more difficult for homeless. As their doors closed La Salle University and College of Saint Benilde opened their and lent their facilities to AJ Kalinga Center. PCPP commits to provide regular assistance to the programs of the said institution throughout this year.
We are with the Filipino people in this fight.


PCPP Donates Eggs, Feeds the Homeless at Arnold Janssen KALINGA Center

Last November 28, 2019, several members of the PCPP, with several trays of eggs in tow, took a day-off to visit the Arnold Jannsen Bahay Kalinga Center in Tayuman, Manila to help feed the homeless and the marginalized. While there, the members were exposed to a snapshot of the activities of the center.

KaLiNga derived from the words, KAin, LIgo NG Ayos are exactly what the beneficiaries of the center undergo. After some positive reminders on how to navigate through life in the streets, they take their bath, given fresh set of clothes, groom themselves, followed by sharing session on life’s lessons and then fed with unlimited rice, 2 viands. This phase addresses the recreation of the individual’s self-image, which is the first step towards returning one’s dignity. The two other phases address the restoration of self-respect and self-worth through providing education and skills for them to secure employment and livelihood.

The exposure gave us a glimpse of the hardships these people go through every day on the streets, the story of their lives, their hopes and aspirations in life. It was great pleasure to be part of this activity and be able to touch some lives and hopefully we made a difference.


“PCPP has been in the forefront of consultations during outbreaks of economically important diseases more notably Avian Influenza and ND. PCPP members were in constant dialogue with government agencies preparing protocols before, during and after outbreaks. We have learned many lessons in the past conventions, and we will need to continue learning more. This year’s convention’s theme is “Ensuring Healthy Poultry, People and Community”.”

-Dr. Renato Rollan (2019 PCPP President)

“This year’s event recognizes that the health of people is connected to the health of animals and environment through its theme, “Ensuring Healthy Poultry, People and Community: A Shared Responsibility”. This encapsulates that unity is essential and everyone plays a role in achieving optimal health outcomes for humans, environment and animals, specifically poultry.”

– Ronnie D. Domingo, DVM, Msc. (OIC, Director BAI)

“As we embark on another edition of the Poultry School, we certainly hope that you will again benefit from this major undertaking of the PCPP. With the theme “Ensuring Healthy Poultry, People and Community: A Shared Responsibility”, we aspire to provide you insights on the One Health concepts and make our world a better place to live in. The “One Health” concept was introduced at the beginning of the 2000s and summarized as human health and animal health are interdependent and bound to the health of the ecosystems in which they exist. We endeavor to bring these models to you, so that together we can implement improvements following the One Health approach. “

– Dr. Cezar Policarpio (Chairman ,2019 Poultry School)

PCPP Members full force during the 2-day Poultry School

Faces of 2019 PCPP Poultry School

PCPP 19th Poultry School – “Redefining Your Outcome: Profit or Bust”

Staying competitive in poultry business requires updated knowledge and skills in poultry
management. This is not only measured in terms of technical expertise but also equally important is the aspect of human resources management in a constantly changing environment.

With this, the poultry industry players need to open their eyes to opportunities and at the same time be wary of potential threats and challenges. This can only be made possible if everyone is well informed and equipped with the right skills and attitude.

The Philippine College of Poultry Practitioners, Inc. warmly invites you once again to its annual Poultry
School, which is now on its 19th year. For this year, PCPP tackles new innovation and practices in housing systems plus a revisit on poultry and disease management, with the addition of the financial aspects of the business.


DOWNLOAD FLYER : PCPP 19th Poultry School Flyer (1)